The Immerse Marketplace

Reduce development time and costs by 70% with off-the-shelf VR content

Explore the library

The largest VR library in the market


VR app titles


use cases





The quickest start to immersive learning 
  • No need to develop custom content
  • Access high-quality scalable apps from specialist creators
  • Measure training efficacy with a reporting dashboard

Many enterprises face the same roadblocks when it comes to rolling out diverse VR content – whether it’s procurement, legal, IT, security, or something else. Through partnership with Immerse, we don’t have to build VR content from scratch, saving Nestlé invaluable time and money.

Jeremy Moussai, Global IT Innovation Manager – XR Lead

A growing network of the world´s best content creators

Distribute and scale

Enterprise-ready distribution

Apps are delivered via the Immerse Platform, the open destination for immersive content from any vendor—providing a wide range of distribution and access options to fit your business.

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Secure and scalable

Learner activity and usage data from all learning experiences are centralized, with complete control over who manages and who learns—delivering ultimate flexibility to scale at your own pace.

The end-to-end software solution for all your immersive training

Easily manage all your content, users and data with the only end-to-end software solution that optimizes your immersive learning investments

Learn more
Is the Immerse end-to-end software solution secure?

We are ISO 27001 compliant with secure firewall protection and data storage, plus high levels of accessibility, redundancy, and recoverability. The platform is hosted on AWS, providing compliance with over 50 international security and regulatory standards. Security reviews are carried out monthly, and we can provide access to independent penetration tests where required. Access and security audit logs are provided as standard.

What distribution options do you provide and what hardware headsets do you support?

We recognise that every company and every use case has different distribution needs, so we provide a wide range of user flows from anonymous login to two-factor authentication. Our platform supports all major VR headsets from Meta, Vive, Pico and Windows Mixed Reality and also enables desktop, browser and mobile delivery.

What systems and tools does the Immerse platform integrate with?

The Immerse Platform offers out-of-the-box, configurable integrations with your existing systems and workflows, allowing you to drive scale more quickly – from user authentication to sending learner data to Learning Management Systems. We have also helped many of our customers with more custom integrations.

Options include:

Single sign-on with support for OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect
LMS integration, including SAP SuccessFactors, Workday, Cornerstone and more
xAPI based reporting engine for integration with Learning Record Stores or similar

How can I agreggate existing immersive learning experiences?

If your company has already started your immersive journey, your content will likely be fragmented across your organization. We can work with you to consolidate all existing content from all your valued vendors into one immersive learning app and platform – streamlining distribution and standardizing reporting.

How can I measure training impact in my LMS?

As immersive content grows across your organisation, you need a way to ensure tracking and data is standardised and centralised. The Immerse Platform provides consistent tracking across a range of levels – from completion statements to every user interaction – all centralised via our xAPI reporting engine and available on your LMS.

Let’s talk

We’ll help you make immersive learning a success

Contact us