Household Hazard Spotting
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The Hazard Spotting – Household course represents another way of raising awareness among your teams and preventing the risk of domestic accidents (electricity, ventilation, etc.) for themselves or their friends and family.
Learning objectives
- Identify the hazardous situations and high-risk behaviour appearing at random in the virtual apartment
- View the corrections sheet at the end of the exercise to measure the number of errors identified and review the risks and best practices for any errors that have gone unnoticed
App info
- Creator Immersive Factory
- Languages English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
- Headsets Pico Neo 3
- Modes Single user

Created by experts from the EHS and digital world, our workshops and training are based on emotionally impactful experience in a realistic virtual environment.. Immersion, initiative-taking and evaluation are the keys to an active learning experience that prevents risks and produces a long-term influence on behavior.