LOTO on Electrical Installation Outdoor

Electrical safety, Health and safety, LOTO, Technical training
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The VR-based Lockout-Tagout – Outdoor course aims to alert your teams to the importance of following safety procedures when working on electrical installations to eliminate any risk of electrocution.

Learning objectives

  • Validate the assimilation of safety instructions at each stage of the recording: wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE), respect of the chronology of essential and regulated operations, etc.
  • Remain attentive, follow instructions and procedures.
  • To live an accident and its consequences in an immersive way.

App info

  • Creator Immersive Factory
  • Languages English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
  • Headsets Pico Neo 3
  • Modes Single user

About the creator: Immersive Factory

Created by experts from the EHS and digital world, our workshops and training are based on emotionally impactful experience in a realistic virtual environment.. Immersion, initiative-taking and evaluation are the keys to an active learning experience that prevents risks and produces a long-term influence on behavior.